Can gameplay video increase your downloads?

4 07 2008

From all the portals I know only Big Fish Games adds gameplay videos to every game. Reflexive does it from time to time. There must be a reason most portals don’t bother with it.

But I am not a portal and I want to check my chances. I want to know if and how it will affect my downloads. I can’t create videos for every game, but I already have one for Runes of Avalon 2 (please don’t check out the game site just to see it so you don’t screw up the test). To be honest, I was initially very skeptical about it. I thought: once they saw the video they might have another reason to not download the game, since they already know what’s inside. Fortunately, it looks like it’s the other way.

I’ve set up Google Website Optimizer experiment a while ago and here are preliminary results.

Gameplay Video affecting downlaods experiment
(click to enlarge)

It’s to early to give final statements, but if in the end improvement will be in that range it will be really worth it. When your marketing budget is small and every download counts then it may be the one thing that will let your ads break even.

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5 responses to “Can gameplay video increase your downloads?”

5 07 2008
Chris P (02:27:14) :

Wow! Nice result. I should really get around to updating my gameplay video.

22 08 2008
jc (12:12:15) :

It looks like BFG doesn’t have gameplay video anymore…


22 08 2008
Roman Budzowski (14:56:15) :

It doesn’t? I do see it even for the latest release of Aug 22nd.

23 08 2008
jc (22:19:33) :

How weird, I can see them with FireFox but I have just a blank space with IE.


26 01 2009
Jake Birkett (06:56:36) :

Nice results! It used to be that BFG did not make videos for every game, but they seem to make them for most now.