Days/Visits to purchase statistics

7 11 2007

Have you ever wondered how much time average customer needs to buy your game since downloading it? I wonder all the time, but now I have some statistics to show.

Days to purchase statistic:
Days to purchase

Visits to purchase statistic:
Visits to purchase

As you can see most of purchases occur on day 0 (same day visitor entered my website) and within one visit on my website. It’s reasonable that people buy on day 0. They download, play, trial ends and if they like it they make impulse buy.

The problem is that they should need mostly 2 visits, not 1. First visit to download the game, second visit to purchase it. So what happend? There are 5 possible explanations:

  • people downloaded your game elsewhere and visited your site only to purchase the game (game downloaded from portal, download sites, etc.)
  • people downloaded the game from your site using different browser than the one they used to purchase the game (buy now button opens default browser, which may be different than the one your customer uses mostly)
  • Google Analytics counts it as one visit because it happend within short time frame – by default GA is sets sessions to 30 minutes, if your trial is short or player buys before trial expires, then it might be true. Some of my games (Maggie, Path of Magic) have trials shorter than 30 minutes.
  • your sales copy (game description) is so great, that people buy your game without downloading it :)
  • cookies are off or deleted regularly

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One response to “Days/Visits to purchase statistics”

4 01 2008
Jake Birkett (20:05:24) :

Great stats thanks. Weird that it’s not showing 2 visits as you’ve said. Should the 7 days one read 3-7 days btw?