Test, test and once again test!

2 11 2007

Marketers say that your headline and first paragraph of your offer are the most important elements of it. That means that any change in one of them may have a huge impact on your conversion.

I started an experiment last week to improve Path of Magic page. Because this site doesn’t have much traffic I decided to play only with headline (one with a headline Help Evelyne Save Avalon and one without it). Here are the two versions I’ve created:

Path without Headline  Path with Headline

Can you guess which one is better? My educated guess goes to the one with headline – it has some kind of call to action. But boy, how wrong was I. The one without a headline is over 84% better.

Path Headline Test Results

Imagine my disappointent after investing $1000 in advertising without checking the impact of change in headline? 4 words can drop return on investment by 84%.

I don’t want to say that no headline is always better. I want to say: TEST, TEST and once again TEST!

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5 responses to “Test, test and once again test!”

2 11 2007
Rio (18:24:51) :

That’s a very interesting test. It lasted about one week, correct?

I thought the one with the headline would do better as well. Upon reflection, I think what it does instead is sum up the whole game in that one line instead of making people read through the details, see more features and learn more about the game.

…Then again, I could be wrong. n_n

2 11 2007
Roman Budzowski (20:18:02) :

One of my next experiments will focus on integrating headline with header image. Headline image has positive impact on conversion (I already tested it).

3 11 2007
Jonathan Blow (23:29:57) :

Well… it’s a fairly confusing, unreadable headline. I think that has a lot to do with it. I know it seems “catchy” the negatives far outweigh the positives.

11 01 2008
3 Tips For Improving Your Google Adwords Campaigns | Sell More Games (17:46:17) :

[…] Test, test and once again test your ads. Use Google Analytics and ad variations to get the most out of your money. […]

28 12 2009
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