How long did it took you to create your last game?

15 01 2008

It took us more than a year to create Pony World, about nine months to create Runes of Avalon. How about you? The trick is that those number state only start to finish dates. The real thing is here (posted originaly by Cliffski on IGF forum):

Legend has it that Pablo Picasso was sketching in the park when a bold woman approached him. “It’s you — Picasso, the great artist! Oh, you must sketch my portrait! I insist.”

So Picasso agreed to sketch her. After studying her for a moment, he used a single pencil stroke to create her portrait. He handed the women his work of art.

“It’s perfect!” she gushed. “You managed to capture my essence with one stroke, in one moment. Thank you! How much do I owe you?”

“Five thousand dollars,” the artist replied.

“B-b-but, what?” the woman sputtered. “How could you want so much money for this picture? It only took you a second to draw it!”

To which Picasso responded, “Madame, it took me my entire life.”

I really like that legend. Yep, nine months, but I started creating games when I was 15 (and thinking about creating games when I was 10). Now I am almost 30. It took a lot of time to learn all that little tricks to make great looking and fun games. Entire life seems about right. Keep that in mind next time you negotiate publishing contract.

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4 responses to “How long did it took you to create your last game?”

30 01 2008
Brandonman (02:20:46) :

Hey, I’m curious why you have become innactive. I really liked this blog and don’t want to see it go down!

30 01 2008
Roman Budzowski (13:04:44) :

I prefer quality over quantity… I was also extremely busy last few weeks. Releasing new games is very time consuming.

10 02 2008
Jake Birkett (19:51:28) :

Yeah, started when I was 8, 32 now so 24 years, woo. That’s 75% of my life (so far). I log the hours to make my games. My match 3s took anywhere from 180 hours (for a reskin) to 300 hours. Fairway took 1000+ hours though…New games need a lot more polish and features and thus need a lot more time…

17 04 2008
Kaolin Fire (03:07:42) :

Hear, hear. I wrote my first games when I was 12ish; and my first shareware as in game modules for games like Legend of the Red Dragon and Lunatix. I’ve spent the last 6 years as a hobbyist trying to get back into things and spent the last 4 working on Detritus (after scrapping everything but the name and very basics of the idea near finishing it once through). I’m hoping the next one takes me a little under a year. That would be nice. :)