Happy New Year 2009!
2 01 2009I made a look back at my resolutions for 2008 and a lot of things I planned to do didn’t happened. One of my friends said that I don’t achieve my goals. Well, that’s partially true, but the goal itself is not the whole purpose. My goals evolve and change during the year so the plan at the beggining of the year isn’t the same as in the middle of the year. The world changes instantly and so should probably your plans.
Though I haven’t achieved a lot of goals on my list I still achieved a lot in 2008 and so far it was the best year in my indie career. I hope the year will be as good as old one, but hopefully less crazy :D
Happy New Year 2009 to all of you!
It’s good to be back online and my 3 goals for Sell More Games blog are:
– write at least 2 articles a month
– bring more traffic (like 10 times)
– get PR 4 at google
And for ANAWIKI GAMES… I feel like making no resolutions, but then how would I know if I succeeded? My plan is to release 3 games in 2009 and all of them has been started in 2008 so there’s a high chance I can succeed :)
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