Hello world!
7 10 2007My name is Roman Budzowski and I am CEO of ANAWIKI GAMES. ANAWIKI is a casual game development company. We’ve made some great games in the past and are working on some new great ones.
We always try to self-publish our games or the get deals that allow us to sell games on our site without much restrictions. For all the years I’ve been developing games I’ve learned that developing a great game is not the end of the process. When you start talking about monetizing the game, it’s just the beginning. Unless you do an exclusive publishing deal you should take care of your sales-force on your own.
Even if you want to get exclusive publishing deal always ask for possibility to sell on your site. Even if you sell just one copy, it’s a start to become more independent in the future. To get better publishing deals if needed. To get some extra income before royalties come in. To get in touch with your customers.
In this blog I will try to show you from my personal experience how to sell more games. It did cost me a lot of money to get the knowlegde I do have now. I still don’t consider myself an expert, but I am sure that my experiments can give you motivation and inspiration to improve your website.
Take care and come back to read more.
Categories : general