A game that inspired me…

I’d been looking at many games lately. The odd thing that came to my mind was that my next game is not inspired by top notch games like Zuma, Bejeweled 2 Deluxed or Fairies, but… and that was a huge surprise to me, by a simple but fun game like Sweety Puzzle.

Of course those games are great, but rather than inspiration they bring motivation. Motivation to achieve same level of quality.

I need both.
Inspiration to start working on a fun and challenging game and motivation to finish it.

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Google alerts

Maybe I shouldn’t be that surprised when I received todays google alert, but I was. I was starring at the email saying blog entry Maggie the gardener. I was like “Man, did someone post a review of our game?”. I had to check it out. AnnMarie’s daughter name is Maggie and she made a post about how he had to dig the patatoes with Maggie on his back. Job well done.

Anyway, that blog entry was made almost a year ago. Internet is huge. Google spiders don’t catch it up on time.

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You can’t rush art

They say management is everything. It’s the key to success. But when it comes to art, managers are powerless. I asked Damian (our artist) to make one GUI element for our next game. 5 days ago. I still don’t have it. It’s not that Damian is lazy. He just want to make it perfect. I don’t blame him – we need high quality art. Still, I wish I could rush art.

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Tom’s Hen House for Mac OSX is ready

Well, finally it happend. I’m so exited. Thank’s to Indiepath you can play it as soon as your download finishes. What are you waiting for… get a free demo for you now.

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New path engine in Maggie the Gardener

Would you like to have total freedom and creativity control over paths? With the next release of Maggie the Gardener (1.5) you’ll get it. Now not olny you can draw paths the way you want it, but you can mix them, put one on the top of the other. Take a look at the screenshot on the right. Don’t you like does curves?

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Maggie the Gardener and online gallery

Maggie the Gardener will have big upgrade pretty soon. Not only we greatly improved the way you can create path (total freedom), but we implemented built in online gallery. Real gallery, where you can submit your gardens, see others and vote on each other.

I am 28 years old, but I love doing gardens with Maggie. It is so surprising to me that a game that was made for kids can be so fun to their parents 🙂

So what are you waitnig for, check this game out now.

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Innovative games? Who cares…

We, game developers, like to think that we create innovative games. Some of us say, that the ability to have total creative control over the game is the main reason to go indie. That’s great.

But do you, the player, really care about innovation in games?

I care. As a player.

Innovation is important, but not for the sake of it. If someone creates a game just to make it innovative I could not care less. Create a game that is fun and innovative and you have my vote on it.

So will my next game be fun and innovative. I’m sure it will be more fun than innovative.

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Great fight and courage

Comparing the match Poland v. Ecuador to Poland v. Germany everyone can say we have seen two different teams. Yesterday they fought great. They left they hearts on the playfield. That’s how one should play – to be not ashamed even if you lose. Yes, we lost, but this time we are proud of our team.

GO POLAND. There is one match ahead of us, most probably the last one during World Cup 2006. Hopefully this time we will win.

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Big match tonight

Well, tonight is a big match for us:
Poland v. Germany (9pm)

Every little detail says that we should lose that match: players skills, coach skills, match statistics, etc. But we keep the faith. We strongly believe that if our team fight hard they can win and become David of the World Cup 2006. And the Goliat will fall…


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Tom’s character featured in …

Tom's SketchFew days ago my friend Kittanate send me interesting concept. He’s working on a game about Tuk Tuk. Tuk Tuk is a kind of taxi that is very popular in Thailand. The player task is to complete quest received from non-player characters. And one of those NPC’s will be Tom. Here’s the first sketch. Enjoy.

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