The creation of pony

We are working at the moment on creation of ponys feature for The Ponys. I am really surprised how well it’s presenting. That’s why I don’t try to create any art for our games – you need real artist to get exceptional quality.

Here is the (still work-in-progress) screenshot of upcoming feature so you can jugde yourselft. Imagine a pony standing on the stand… I hope you like it as much as I do.

The Ponys - creation

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Runique – progress update

So it’s time to put everything up together. It’s the least fun job, but it must be done. All the menus & stuff. If everything goes well you’ll be able to play the demo early next week, so be prepared. The wisdom of runes needs to be revealed.

Runique title screen

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You know you’re in trouble…

You know you’re in trouble when you schedule your milestones without checking out technology you plan to use. Gosh… It happened to us today with the Ponys game.

I assumed that I can use Max2D and MiniB3D without any issues and it even didn’t bother me if it is slow. So I scheduled a milestone thet ends up 2 weeks from know and requires Max2D and MiniB3D to work πŸ™

I guess I can do some kind of workaround with MiniB3d cause all I need is to draw a background andΒ a couple mashes on it. This should do for upcoming milestone, but won’t do for a whole game.

Man, I need to be more careful next time.

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Runique – the promised screenshot

As I promised yesterday here it is – screenshot of great graphic effects I added to Runique. It doesn’t show it all. You need to see it in action, because it’s the flow of magic (particles) that makes it so great. Expect the demo soon and in the mean time watch the static image (and visit our blog often to stay informed about the game progress) πŸ™‚

Runique screenshot

It’s amazing how adding couple of gfx effects improves the gameplay. I hope we’ll finish Runique very soon because it’s too addictive and every time I have to test something it cost me to much to stop playing it πŸ˜€

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I love making games!

I simply love it. You start with just an idea and after a while you see a whole game. It’s amazing feeling. Today I added some spectacular graphic effects to our newest puzzle game. They look better than I expected. It’s awesome. I know you would like to see a screenshot… tomorrow my friends. Patience pays off.

OK. Here’s one, but from Ponys’ game. Have fun πŸ™‚

Ponys Game Screenshot

UPDATE: Pony World Deluxe has been released and is available for PC Windows and Mac OSX. You can download free 60 minutes trial.

Runes of Avalon has been release for PC Windows and Mac OSX. You are very welcomed to download free trial of the game.

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Kubi review

This is my first review so keep this in mind (and that I am not a native english speaker) πŸ˜‰

Kubi is a set of 5 creative activities for kids 3+. One can form the picture by sliding and swaping slices. Use all skils to copy the picture or have fun with some coloring exercises. One can even draw your own KUBI pictures.

I started the game and put my three years old daughter (Wiktoria) in front of the screen. She had no troubles clicking big well designed icons. I had to explain her what she has to do in each of activities, but then she was able to play on her own. I don’t have to add that since then I had to let her play Kubi more often.

Pictures presented in Kubi are amusing. Drawn in a simple way – the way kid would do it – perfectly understandable for them.

The only minor issue I had with this is that time limit is set to 15 minutes. So make sure you test the game with your kid. Otherwise you my find Kubi great but your kid won’t have a chance to try it. But you can’t go wrong buying this title.

Kids love to draw and Kubi is a safe way for them to do it on computer.

Kubi is available for pc download and mac download. It’s less than 4mb so give it a try.

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Reviews incoming

I decided to add reviews to our site. My personal, short reviews that will help you pick up the game you need – be it a game for you or your kid. I’ll start with reviews of kid games. Kubi, Prof. Fizzwizzle and Maggie the Gardener is a good begining. First review coming this week.

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Name My Game #2

Recently I created a thread on a game developers forum. I wanted to hear opinions about our new game possible titles. Unfortunately discusion have not solved the naming problem. I was more confused than before creating the thread. Until my friends from gave me a call. I guess you need to be gifted to create a good name and they probably are. They proposed the following names:

  • Runica
  • Runic Reign
  • Symbols
  • and just for fun I made Runique (like Diabolique ;- )

Thanks Konrad & Maciej. I like Runica the most. Short, one word name, has runes in it. Symbols is nice name too – but I think it is too far away from mystic theme of the game.

PS. Checkout Magic Match – latest puzzle game from Konrad and Maciej.

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The Dragons’ Home

Creating great graphics for our game is one of our main goals. At the moment I am stuck with one of the waypoints in Runique game – the Dragons’ Home. I have the picture that player will reveal during play, but I can’t find good picture for background. I created little snap for you – it’s a fragment of the image you reveal during game.

dragons home

PS. It’s the hottest summer in Poland since 227 years and it will be that hot until August 15th.

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The Ponys and … the heat

It’s been a while since my last post. The heat is killing me slowly. I can’t think. My head hurts. It’s over 30 ceclius degrees (around 90 farenheit) for about a week now. I’ll definately buy good A-C next year.

In the begining of July we’ve started work on a game called The Ponys. It’s still just a codename, but may end up as a final title. The game is going to be about ponys – imagine The Sims, but put ponys instead of people. Yes, the game is targeted at younger audience (girls 7-12) but I’m sure it will appeal to adults as well. Here’s a screenie:

The Ponys

That one is still work in progress, so expect little improvements.
As usual, check out our blog to find out more about The Ponys and our other games in development.

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