NewYear year = new NewYear(2007);

If you wonder what the hell does above statement mean then for sure you’re not a programming geek. No, don’t go to programming classes, it just means that new year is coming. I wish you in new year 2007 loads of fun games from geeks like me.

If you know what it means then I wish you develop some great games in new year 2007.

And if you want to make some of my dreams come true… play and buy ANAWIKI GAMES 🙂

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Maggie the Gardener box cover

Few days ago I found Maggie the Gardener (Polish edition) on store shelves. I do think that cover looks very cool. Have a look at scanned images I prepared for you 🙂

Maggie the Gardener box 1Maggie the Gardener box 1

Next month, Jan 2007, Tom’s Hen House will find a place on store shelves too. Can’t wait to see the cover.

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Wii excercise!

This is really funny. Only a few months ago everyone was laughting at new Nintendo console name and now what? Everybody seems to love it. Though I don’t own Wii I read all those threads to find out what the buzz is about.

But what I read today shocked me. You can play minigolf, tennis or boxing on Wii. That’s nothing exceptional, though the way you play is exceptional. Wii controller lets you swing your arm in the air just like you would swing the ball or punch. And you know what? After playing like this for couple of minutes you find out yourself sweating. That’s right. It’s pretty good excercising. People love sports and they love to play computer games. Wii has it all 🙂

So have you seen Runes of Avalon trailer yet? 😉

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Parking lots are full!

Are you a driver? Then you’re probably happy that Christmas is only once a year. Shopping, driving by malls is very difficult at this point of time. I went to buy Christmas gifts yesterday. I didn’t expect that 4 storey parking lot can be ever filled. How wrong was I! Luckily I was smart enough to not try to get into the parking lots and left my car 3 minutes walk from the mall.

Getting gifts was the easiest part. And I found one extra gift for me – Maggie the Gardener on the shelves. That was pretty amazing feeling. I forgot to take the box to the office, otherwise I would show you box cover.

BTW. Have you seen Runes of Avalon trailer yet?

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Runes of Avalon – trailer and official website

We are extremely happy to annouce Runes of Avalon official website and trailer. We’ve been working on those two for last two weeks. Website is still not completely finished, but most important parts of it are functioning. Hope you like it. You can watch Runes of Avalon trailer below (just click play button).

Most importantly: you can pre-order Runes of Avalon now for $19.00 and save 5% off final price. And that’s not all – if you pre-order now you’ll get 18 levels extra.

Pre-order Runes of Avalon for Windows
Pre-order Runes of Avalon for Mac Intel

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Keep your mind fresh

I was about to write preview of Runes of Avalon but… I did not. Our publisher proposed few small changes to gameplay. While those changes look small on paper, it will take time to implement them. What I fear most is that at the end we will?have?very different game, still very good or even better than original, but different.

So I decided that we will stop developing Runes for couple of days to refresh our minds. It’s always good to have fresh mind when it comes to new ideas. I’ve just finished playing few games that I wanted to try but never had time because of RoA development. Now I have the time to play few more 🙂

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Gammon Empire review

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I was asked to review Gammon Empire. They state that they offer the internet most exciting backgammon game on the internet. To be honest with you – I have never played backgammon before – so I was excited to try this one.

If you’ve never played back gammon before you should checkout article section at Gammon Empire. They cover the basics of gammon pretty well.

You can play backgammon for real money and for fun with thousands of players from all around the world. Gammon Empire was launched on Dec 2004 and so far has more than 1.7M sign ups. Gammon Empire allows you to play backgammon on the internet with players of all skills and improve your backgammon skills. They offer monthly tournaments with up to $100,000 in prizes, as well as hourly and daily backgammon tournament for money.

You can play backgammon in two ways – by downloading standalone application (available for PC, Mac and Linux) and in the browser. To play it in the browser you need Java Virtual Machine installed. Because I dislike installing any software on my PC I decided to play it in the browser.

While I don’t like to play for real money I was very glad to see that you can play just for fun. Playing for fun is most probably your best choice until you become expert in backgammon.

Before you start playing you need to create an account. Gammon Empire cares about your security and does not allow you to choose too simple password or login. It can be irritating if all you want is just a quick play, but when it comes to money it’s definitely a plus for them.

My first approach to creating an account was a failure. I was not able to create an account due system maintenance. While players from US probably wouldn’t notice it, European players most probably would (night maintenance is common in most countries but time zones make it hard in global world).

Second approach (next day) wasn’t successful either. I entered login and password and clicked sign-up and waited for 2 minutes without a sign from the site that there is something going on.

That’s it folks. I had just 48h to write this review so I could not test it comprehensively. Due to issues with creating account I was not able to play, so I can’t say how well the site is doing at this. As soon as I’ll be able to create one I’ll update my review.

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They won’t let you down

My friend Janko wrote once a post about spammers. Basicaly he stated, that they won’t let you down. No matter what you’ll get emails from them. And it looks like they put all their attention on me at the moment. No matter how often I check my email account I receive couple of spams. I’ll get probably few while typing this post. It was never that bad before 🙁

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Runes of Avalon logo

We are very very close to launch our newest title: Runes of Avalon. Expect exclusive preview of this game on December 6th. Until then logo has to satisfy you 🙂

Runes of Avalon logo

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Christmas is coming…

More and more christmas trees or decorations shows up in stores. It’s an obvious sign that Christmas is coming. Time to think about presents. While I am still not decided what I’ll get for my wife or kids I already have a list in my mind of things that I would like to get 🙂 That’s quite surprising to me. Last year I realized that I don’t feel like I want or need to get any material thing for Christmas to feel happy (ain’t that odd).

But this year I become nostalgic about older games and would love to play them. Games like Curse of the Monkey Island or Prince of Persia. Or newer ones like Secret Files: Tunguska. Does Santa Claus read emails?

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