The Ponys update

It’s been a while since I posted updates on the Ponys game. One of the reasons is that we’ve been fully concentrated on finishing Runes of Avalon. The other reason is that there was not much going on with it. But since mid january we have a new guy in a team that moves this project forward day by day. Our plan is to finish this game by March 31st. This is an ambitious task, but then – we love challanges 😀

Here’s a little screenie from the game. Make sure to view it full size (click on the image). It’s raining man! It doesn’t look so lovely on a static picture, but so far it’s the only thing I can show you at the moment. There’s planty of stuff for your ponys to do – not only you can feed them, but you can let them play many games, build your own farm, decide whether you want to make a party, go to a race, start up in a beauty contest and much more…

ponys game

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The battle for Avalon

It’s comming. Day by day. Runes of Avalon… and Evelyne, the Apprentice to Merlin. Can she defeat Morganna? Can she learn rune magic quick enough to protect all the living? Who will she meet on her path?

Evelyne, the Aprrentice - Runes of Avalon

Years ago, Morganna made a bid for power and only Merlin was strong enough to oppose her. They fought their magical battle on ground and in the sky, and soon the land around them burned and the air became acrid with smoke. In the end Morganna was defeated, but not without cost. The Field of Gold-known for its lush and productive lands?were destroyed and left a rocky, barren wasteland that would never recover.

Battle for Avalon - Runes of Avalon

Morganna, though defeated and wounded, escaped. Using magic as a cover, she nursed her wounds and grew stronger in secret.

Now, she is healed, dangerous and hungry for revenge.

Morganna - Runes of Avalon

Watch our website closely. New match-3 with a twist of Tetris. Runes of Avalon are coming very soon.

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Runes of Avalon – 9 days and counting…

We’re getting more and more excited with each day that gets us closer to the release of Runes of Avalon. That’s just 9 days. You don’t want to wait that long? You can pre-order it now! Make sure to watch the trailer on our website.

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What the Runes are?

Runes of Avalon puzzle game makes a great use of the Runes. But what are they? Do they really exist? What the Runes are?

Runes are an ancient Germanic alphabet, used for writing, divination and magick. They were used throughout northern Europe, Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland from about 100 B.C.E. to 1600 C.E. Runic inscriptions of great age have even been found in North America, supporting stories that the Vikings arrived in the Americas long before Columbus.

There are many sources where you can read about the runes. The major runic alphabets are called futharks based upon the first six symbols. The oldest runic alphabet is called Elder Futhark. Here is a piece of text about origins of the runes from Wikipedia:

The origins of the runic scripts are uncertain. Many characters of the elder futhark bear a close resemblance to characters from the Latin alphabet. Other candidates are the 5th to 1st century BC Northern Italic alphabets, Lepontic, Rhaetic and Venetic, all closely related to each other and themselves descended from the Old Italic alphabet. These scripts bear a remarkable resemblance to the Futhark in many regards.

I took a quote from another great source of knowlegde about runes:

The runes might be read from left to right or from right to left, even on the same artifact. Translation of runic inscriptions is therefore extremely difficult, and complicated by the fact that rune masters sometimes wrote cryptic puzzles or in secret script.

Runic alphabet - the Older Futhark

In Elder Futhark the runes are broken into three sections or groups of eight, called aett (aettir, plural). This helps one to remember their order, and later, has significance in magical uses.

Each rune has a name and it’s meaning. For example, Fehu, first symbol in runic alphabet, stands for wealth: possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. For this fact runes are widely used for divination.

Here are some runes used in the Runes of Avalon game.

Runes fell into disuse as the Roman alphabets became the preferred script of most of Europe, but their forms and meanings were preserved in inscriptions and manuscripts.

If you want to know more about the runes check out following sites:

If you fall in love with the Runes, just like we did, then make sure to play Runes of Avalon game.

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Maggie the Gardener gameplay movie

Now you can instantly see how Maggie the Gardener looks like. All you need to do is to click on the play button and watch the movie (or click on this link).

This is our second trailer. One for Runes of Avalon was a very positive experience and I hope that this one will do the same 🙂

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My favourite casual fantasy themed games

Lately I was looking for games similar in theme to Runes of Avalon. I was surprised that there are only few. Luckily they are all great. If you want to play a great game similar to Runes of Avalon before our games will be launched, here’s my list (direct download links for PC versions):

If you know about a great game (fantasy theme) that I don’t have on my list make sure to let me know about it.

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Merlin, Morgan le Fay and the Apprentice

Have you ever heard of Merlin or King Arthur? I’m sure you have. I doubt you’ve heard about Morgan Le Fay. And definitely you haven’t heard about Merlin’s Apprentice. So here is short who’s who in Arthurian legends and Runes of Avalon.

Merlin is best known as the mighty wizard featured in Arthurian legend. His traditional biography has him born the son of an incubus and a mortal woman who inherits his powers from his strange birth. He grows up to be a sage and engineers the birth of Arthur through magic. Later Merlin serves as the king’s advisor until he is bewitched and imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake.

In Arthurian legend, Morgan le Fay, alternatively known as Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana and a slew of related name variants, is a powerful sorceress and sometime antagonist of King Arthur and Guinevere. King Arthur is her half brother by Igraine and Uther Pendragon. Morgan has at least two older sisters, Elaine and Morgause, the latter of which is the mother of Gawain and the traitor Mordred. In Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur and elsewhere, she is married, unhappily, to King Urien of Gore and Ywain is her son. Though she becomes an adversary of the Round Table when Guinevere discovers her adultery with one of her husband’s knights, she eventually reconciles with her brother, and even serves as one of the four enchantresses who carry the king to Avalon after his final battle at Camlann.

All that is what you can read on the internet. But is it the whole story? Is it true story?

It’s not…! I haven’t written a word about Merlin’s Apprentice, but I will, hold on. Story will be continued. In the meantime don’t forget to check out Runes of Avalon game trailer.

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Games and stories

Does game need a story? Can story be a game? Well, not every game and not every story.

Actually, I know only one story that can be played? What’s that? This is one of the best games I ever played, called Another World. It is a game, but has such a deep storyline, that should be considered a story that can be played. Another World is 15 years old but there are thousands of players that still remember that title. Haven’t played it? You must give it a try. Game was recently re-released with improved graphics.

Storyline very often enhances a game, makes it deeper, makes you wanna play longer. We’ve been working on storyline for Runes of Avalon for couples of weeks – well, actually professional writer was writing it. And you know what? We ended up with 23 pages of text. That’s huge, but also very interesting. Implementing it well into the game will be another piece of art.

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2007 plan for ANAWIKI GAMES

New Year has come and I was thinking about what I would like to achieve in 2007. I was really surprised how clear my goals are. So here is my list:

  • finish and release Runes of Avalon in January – this is a game I am really excited about. It’s damm cool and I believe it will be next Bejeweled for casual games. See the trailer. Get excited too.
  • have some rest in February – I was going to have my vacation in November 2006, though never managed it because of too much development
  • late February – release level pack for Runes of Avalon
  • finish and release “Ponys” game in March – well, this game was supposed to be finished in 2006, though we put all effort into finishing Runes of Avalon
  • April-May – release little add-on to Runes of Avalon – this will be probably a little jigsaw type game
  • get Alice in Wonderland (codename) to beta (at least) by June
  • make a sequel to Runes of Avalon by November – no details yet, but we have some nice ideas
  • release casual strategy game in December – this one is top secret at the moment, though I am very passionate about it.

It looks like a lot of work for such a small team like ANAWIKI GAMES. Small is huge 😉 when it comes to effectiveness.

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Good old 2006…

So 2006 has ended – the first year of ANAWIKI GAMES existence. Time to make new plans and summaries. Here’s the list of what we achieved:

Definitely not a bad year for a start up company.

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