Professor Fizzwizzle and the Molten Mystery!

PF LOGOIt’s about time to announce this new great game: Professor Fizzwizzle and the Molten Mystery!
PC Download
Mac Download
Linux Download

While on a well deserved vacation, Professor Fizzwizzle’s investigation of a strange volcano has landed him in a Molten Mystery! Now it’s up to you to master exciting new gadgets, outwit the Bat-Bots, and vanquish a truly cunning villain! Can the professor count on you to help?

screenshot 1 screenshot 2
screenshot 3

The very new Professor Fizzwizzle is even greater than the original game. It introduces a lot of new powerups, levels and new graphics. Try it. You will not regret.

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Runes of Avalon – original soundtrack and level editor coming soon!

I’ve got couple of good news for all Runes of Avalon fans. We plan to release Runes of Avalon soundtrack – all great songs from the game have been remastered, extended and put together to create great compilation of music (18 tracks). Soundtrack will be most probably released as a high quality set of mp3 files and cd image to burn on your own (package will include cd cover images).

We are also finishing level editor, that will let you create your own set of levels. Editor is extremely easy to use and let you use all assets from the game or use your own backgrounds or songs. I can’t wait to see all the levels that Runes of Avalon community might create.

runes of avalon level editor

Soundtrack will be available as a separate product or as a part of Runes of Avalon Gold Edition. Level editor will be free for all Runes of Avalon owners.

    Runes of Avalon Gold Edition will feature:

  • Runes of Avalon full version
  • Original soundtrack
  • Extra levels
  • Wallpapers
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Pony World BETA – join the game!

We started beta test program for Pony World game. If you know polish you can play it now. If you don’t, write to to be notified about english beta. So polish players download the game: Don’t forget to fill up the questionaire, so we can send you full version of Pony World and one of our existing games (Runes of Avalon, Maggie the Gardener or Tom’s Hen House).

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Runes of Avalon comes to Linux

We’re happy to announce that Runes of Avalon is officially released for Linux. Spread the news if you can and enjoy the game!

Runes of Avalon

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Pony World

It’s been a while since the last post about Pony World. We have given the game new title. My favourite name – Ponyville – was too risky due to My Little Ponys connections, so we decided to go with Pony World.

We’re at beta stage. Programming is done. We just need to replace placeholders. If you want to be a beta-tester for this game, feel free to send a mail to beta [at] We will start beta testing next week (polish users only at the moment), though as soon as we get english translation we will start global beta tests.

Here are the most recent screenshots

Pony World Pony World
Pony World Pony World
Pony World

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Father’s day

On the third Sunday of June most of the world celebrates Father’s Day. I’m a father of two daughters, though I will celebrate father’s day on June 23rd (that’s how it goes in Poland, as well as in Nicaragua, Uganda).

If you’re a father and want to make a present for yourself, or you want to make a great present for your father or want to make a present to father of your children, then take adventage of my special offer. Get any ANAWIKI game for as low as 50% off of regular price. Let me suggest you Runes of Avalon, it does greatly appeal to men.

Use following coupon code during your order: FATHERSDAY2007 – it’s valid only on Saturday and Sunday.

Runes of Avalon

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Chocolate Castle review

Chocolate Castle is a small cute game. When I saw the screenshots I thought that it is just yet another retro style game, but I was wrong. Since it’s not even 1MB download I downloaded it and gave it a chance. So let me just say it’s very fun.

Download Chocolate Castle now! It’s available for Windows and Mac OSX.

The object of Chocolate Castle is to eat all of the chocolate in each room. There are four types of chocolate and four types of animals to eat them with. To eat some chocolate, click and drag an animal into it and both of them will disappear.

You can also click and drag chocolate to move it into an empty space. If you put two pieces of the same colour next to each other, they will stick together. You can eat more chocolate with one animal by doing this, but be careful because once they are connected, they can not be separated!

If you make a mistake, you can rewind to any previous move my pressing the UNDO button. Replay moves by clicking REDO, or by pressing Enter.

Here are some other opinions from the web:

  • Game of the month [May Edition] – Game Tunnel
  • “Deceptively cute. This game doesn’t look like much at first glance, but those fluffy animals and deliciously shiny chocolate morsels conceal a mighty cerebral puzzle experience.”
    John Bardinelli, Game Tunnel

  • “All the elements are in and perfect. There are a small set of different puzzle elements, but each one greatly expands the possibilities, all of which are explored over the course of 120 levels.”
    Mike Hommel

  • “It’s such a delightfully simple concept that can lead to some extremely fiendish puzzle play and if you’re a puzzle game fan I suspect this should be in your “must-have” collection. Apart from the huge number of puzzles it appears to come with there is also a level editor which should extend its play life too.”
    Caspian Prince, Game Tunnel

  • “Seriously, don’t let the small install size trick you into thinking this game isn’t big on gameplay, because it is.”
    William Usher, Game Tunnel
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Jig Art Quest review

screenshotThe name suggest it all. Jig Art Quest is a jig saw puzzle game. And to be honest with you I am not a huge fun of jig saw games… with exception to this one.

Why? The answer is not so simple.

Jig Art Quest is build around art. Art plays major role in this game and you can see that from the very beginning. Your quest is divided into 6 different themes such as Forest, Water, Snow, Art, Science. Each theme contains 3 unique images. That gives you a total of 18 images (+2 final images). You can play on 3 difficulty settings: easy, normal and hard. You can also enable piece rotation so it makes each setting even tougher. I prefer to play at normal difficulty without piece rotation. I can’t imagine anyone solving the puzzles on highest diffulty setting (700+ pieces).

screenshotTo help you start you can uncover 8 pieces and one row. This is very nice option. It helps if you don’t place all pieces on the board and try to place them one by one (it’s easier to match).

As I mentioned, I found Jig Art Quest very entertaining. Very nice art and well set difficulty is what I like.

I’ve got only two complains. First of all – quest. There’s no quest, but name suggests that there is one. Then there are only 20 pictures (though each one is of great quality)… if that’s not enough for you, feel free to make your own custom puzzles.

Download Jig Art Quest now!

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Runes of Avalon for Linux soft launch

Runes of Avalon for Linux, our first Linux, title is now soft launched. If you do own Linux machine and would like to play it please do not hesitate to download it. Your feedback is very welcomed. I’ve tested this on Ubuntu 7.04, but it should work on Debian and other distributions as well. Game works best with hardware accelerated OpenGL. May require libstdc++ 5 to work. We’re still learning Linux and will try to provide the best Linux experience at the end so if you find any issues just email me or leave a comment in my blog.

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Runes of Avalon news

Runes of AvalonMinna from Grrl Gamer made a nice review of Runes of Avalon. Read more at Grrl Gamer, I’ll just quote few phrases:

Runes of Avalon is at first glance similar to many PC puzzle games I’ve been playing, but there are many little twists to your basic “match three” game that it definitely deserves a second look.

It’s definitely a “must-play” game for me.

We’re also finishing Linux version of Runes of Avalon. Linux is quite new experience for us. It works very well. The game itself runs even better than on Windows. Expect Linux launch next week.

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