Simon the Farmer progress update

Simon the FarmerSome of you are very interested in one of our games – Simon the Farmer. We started developing it a long time ago, but had to put it on hold for few reasons (like finishing Runes of Avalon and Pony World). But lately, Michael said to me, that he is tired of Pony World and would like to do some refreshing new stuff. And that’s how Simon the Farmer has been brought to life again.

Michael started with “Fly over Camomile Valley” mini-game. It is plane racing game where you can fly over few airways. There is more to come later 🙂

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ANAWIKI website improvements :)

I haven’t write for a long time. I’ve been busy upgrading our site. While design haven’t changed much (yet), I added some administration tools that let me add new games to our catalog much easier. Here is an example:

By the way, those are one of my favourite games (next to Runes of Avalon).

New function are not fully implemented yet, though I am sure you will be happy to find game recommendations. New design is in the works. I hope to have it ready by November.

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Can you find the 6 Magic Plants of Isola?

Alice Greenfingers was a great game so I was very excited to try Plant Tycoon. It’s a little bit different than Alice, but has the same adictiveness. I don’t know why, but growing plants is just fun.

Plant TycoonPlant Tycoon is a gardening simulation game where you nurture plants and experiment with increasingly rare and valuable species. Breed and cross breed plants until you find the 6 Magic Plants of Isola and solve the genetic puzzle! Grow plants, organize and harvest seeds, monitor your plants’ health and maturity, and protect your plants from dehydration and infestations. Sell some of your creations to fund further research and purchase upgrades and supplies. It’s the perfect sim experience!

Download Plant Tycoon now.

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Are you a Cake Maniac?

They told me it is a big game. Cake Mania 2, the sequel to the smash click management game Cake Mania. I played it and to be honest… I liked Mystic Inn much more (but I love fairies, spells and magicians). How about you?

Cake Mania 2

Cake Mania 2Jill is back in an all-new, out-of-this-world adventure! Explore six far-flung bakery locations, serving up deliciously original creations! What awaits Jill? Fame? Fortune? Love? In Cake Mania 2, you choose which path Jill pursues, with each decision leading to new baking challenges and dilemmas. With 204 levels of baking and frosting madness, 6 different possible endings and a branching, non-linear storyline, it’s your decision to make in Cake Mania 2!

Download Cake Mania 2 now


As a friendly reminder, we released Path of Magic recently. Try it if you haven’t done so already.

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Pony World soft release (for Windows)

Pony WorldI am very excited to annouce soft release of Pony World. We did work on this title for over a year now and I believe it will take us a few more weeks to fully launch it. Though you can be one of the first few people that have the chance to play this truly unique game.

In Pony World you can play four different scenarios (+tutorial). There’s a planty of stuff to do:

  • building your farm
  • meeting other ponies
  • feeding your pony
  • falling in love (or even getting married)
  • planting veggies
  • and much, much more….

Expect more detailed description soon (I need to hire someone who can speak English much better than I do to make Pony World description that the game deserves).

Download Pony World now. Feel free to send any feedback to us regarding this game. We want to improve the gameplay us much as possible.

Some screenshots (from Polish edition, though game is in English).

Pony World Pony World
Pony World Pony World
Pony World Pony World

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Good news!

I’ve got two good news today!

First of all, we made Path of Magic Universal Binaries. Download Path of Magic now!

Second, we have English translation for Pony World. It shouldn’t take long to finish English version of the game, so be prepaired next week.

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Path of Magic for Linux (and Windows and Mac Intel)

Path of MagicWe are proud to announce the release of Path of Magic for Linux (and Windows and Mac Intel as well).

Help Evelyne find her way on the Path of Magic. Use Runes Magic and powerful spells to guide Evelyne to Merlin’s house again. Runes will lead you. Trust them.

Download Path of Magic for Linux
Download Path of Magic for Windows
Download Path of Magic for Mac Intel

PowerPC Mac owners will have to wait a little bit more. Hopefuly not to long.

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Path of Magic released (Windows and Mac Intel version)

Path of MagicI am very excited to announce that Path of Magic, level pack for Runes of Avalon, has been released today. Creating Path of Magic we concentrated on level desing even more than before. The story is simple – Evelyne has beaten Morganna and now it’s time go find the way back home. Because we didn’t have storyline restrictions to level desing we could focus on fun factor instead of correlation between story and levels.

Expect lot of spells. And I mean lot of them, with chain reaction. Expect great boss levels (levels with giant runes). Can you beat 4 giant runes at once?

    Overall features:

  • 51 great levels
  • 6 new beautiful backgrounds
  • Three game modes
  • and much more…

Don’t wait.
Download it now (Windows).
Download it now (Mac Intel).

It’s 30 minutes free trial (and it’s only $9.99 to buy). It doesn’t require Runes of Avalon to work properly (this is standalone game).

Linux and Mac versions coming soon (as soon as tomorrow).

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Runes of Avalon at a glance…

…and new level pack preview!

Marko from Hookedgamers made a really nice review of Runes of Avalon. It is two pages long, so I’ll just quote a little bit:

Runes of Avalon offers surprisingly polished gameplay … from a small development company. Reminiscent of such classics as Tetris and Coloris, but much improved. A must have!

Read full review at Hooked Gamers.

If you like Runes of Avalon I am sure you’ll be thrilled to here that we’re finishing the works on first add-on. It brings a whole new quest containing cleverly desinged 51 levels. While it’s hard to believe they are even funnier than levels in the first quest. Just take a look at that Giant Runes level! There is a lot more magic in new levels (and they come with 6 new backgrounds).

The new quest is expected to be ready as soon as tomorrow. Meanwhile, feel free to check out first quest in Runes of Avalon.

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WANTED: Beta testers!

Pony WorldDo you love games? Do you want to play newest ANAWIKI GAMES releases before anyone else can even think about them? And you know how to use email, right? Then we might be looking for you!

We look for beta testers for our upcoming games (Runes of Avalon, the Ponys, etc.). If you want to become one, please feel out form below. Every time we do a beta test we will pick 10 people to win full version of tested game and another 10 people to win 50% discount coupon on any ANAWIKI game.

Fill out your e-mail address
to sign up to our beta test program!

E-mail address:

First name:

Alice Adventures

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